Members of the Board

Dr Adrian Blundell-Wignall
Founder and Chair
Anika's father
Founder and Chair
Anika's father

Dr Philip Lowe
Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia

Mr Glenn Stevens
Former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia

Michelle Tye
Senior Research Fellow
Black Dog Institute
Senior Research Fellow
Black Dog Institute

Crispin Murray
Head of Equities at BT Funds Management
Head of Equities at BT Funds Management

Paul Brennan
Senior Economist at Suncorp
Senior Economist at Suncorp

Prof. Philip B. Mitchell
Professor and Head School of Psychiatry, UNSW
Professor and Head School of Psychiatry, UNSW

Danae Blundell-Wignall
Vice President, Human Resources for American Express
Anika's sister
Vice President, Human Resources for American Express
Anika's sister

Tate Dogan
Vice President Engineering at STACK Infrastructure
Anika's brother
Vice President Engineering at STACK Infrastructure
Anika's brother
Role of the Board
- To raise funds for a capital base to support an annual income that will be distributed for purposes of research into youth depression.
- To invest the capital in high-yielding shares, (with a couple of ethical restrictions that Anika would have insisted on), to maximize returns for a relatively low level of investment risk.
- To allocate income from the fund, once established, in the form of prizes for research in the area of adolescent depression and suicide. Medical, social and educational research will be eligible.
- To raise the profile of issues concerning youth depression through its sponsored research programs and fund raising activities.
- To produce a report to contributors on activities of the Anika Foundation each year.
Board of Directors
Fund Raising Channels
Family, Friends, Colleagues
Honorariums for Papers, Speaking Roles, etc.
Donations from Organised Events/Conferences
Honorariums for Papers, Speaking Roles, etc.
Donations from Organised Events/Conferences
Capital Pool InvestedIn perpetuity
Fund Income
Research PrizesMedical, Educational, Social
Tax Status
The Anika Foundation, is a corporate trustee for the Anika Trust, which is an Ancillary Fund (30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997).
The Trustee for The Anika Trust is an Australian Tax Office Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). It is also an income tax exempt entity.
The Board of Directors provide their services voluntarily to the foundation.
ABN: 48 961 479 647
ACN: 113 577 585