2007 Winners of The Premier's Anika Foundation Scholarships in Youth Depression Awareness announced.

The NSW Premier Morris Iemma, hosted the Premier’s Teachers Scholarships reception at Government House on August 19. The Anika Foundation was represented by 2 Board members: Danae Blundell-Wignall, and Jeff White. Anika’s mother, Jane Blundell-Wignall also attended.
The Premier is personally interested in the issue of mental health and the Anika Foundation scholarships. He invited Danae and Jane for a chat about the issue before his address, and they shared some thoughts, concerns and personal experiences with him on the issue of depression and suicide.
While there were 36 winners of a range of corporate-sponsored scholarships to cover, the Premier devoted a considerable amount of time in his speech to the tragedy of depression and suicide that affects one in three families in Australia. He introduced the Blundell-Wignalls as a family that had been directly impacted by depression and suicide and was now doing something about it. He spoke of The Anika Foundation Chairman meeting with his ministers to discuss the role the NSW Government could play in addressing this growing area of concern, and the offer to the Foundation to join the teacher’s scholarship program. The Premier gave his personal best wishes to the Foundation and to the outcomes of the scholarships. He Said:
If just one person and family was saved from this illness, it would be all worth it.
The winners of The Premier’s Anika Foundation Scholarships in Youth Depression Awareness were:
- Ms Jane Sleeman, Hornsby Girls High School, Hornsby NSW
- Ms Cathryn Bourne, Singleton Public School, Singleton NSW
- Mrs Susan Martinov, Kirrawee High School, Kirrawee NSW

All members of the Board would like to congratulate our inaugural winners. To those who applied but did not win this year, please re-apply next year (your applications were were good, but unfortunately there could only be three winners). We would also like to encourage all counsellors, teachers and chaplains (including private schools) to think about an innovative proposal for 2008. The Anika Foundation plans on repeating the same scholarships next year, and with time into different states of Australia.
Premier’s press release from the reception
Memo to Some Recent Private Direct Transfer Donors:
A few kind and generous people have donated by direct transfer. We thank you. Unfortunately, we do not have your address to send a receipt. If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please send an email to admin@anikafoundation.com so that this may be arranged.
Many thanks,
The Anika Foundation